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PSD to Wordpress Conversion

Looking for neat, high-quality and speedy solution for PSD to HTML5 & CSS3 conversion? Get it done smoothly by hiring our HTML5 professionals (now also available on trial basis). We produce clean coding, cross browser compatibility with 100% hand-coded HTML & CSS.

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PSD to Wordpress Conversion only for $99

About our PSD to Wordpress Service

WordPress is a structured system that support individualized Blogs. This system supports widgets that can be rearranged without editing the code, so there's no need to know how to do web HTML development, thereby allowing non-technical people to create unique views for their blogs. The system also allows designers to create unique designs and then convert them to be used with wordpress as a new blog template (Convert image to wordpress).

Advanced users can edit the WordPress designs using HTML and PHP to achieve advanced customizations. WordPress also has built-in the following features within its system:to wordpress conversion

  • link management - To support the use of cross linking to sites and other blogs
  • search engine-friendly - This construction feature makes the content easily accessible to search engines
  • clean permalink structure - Allowing for non-dynamic links

Other features inslude the ability to assign multiple categories in a nested fashion to articles, assign more than one author to a blog to support joint authorships, and finally support for tagging of posts and articles.

WordPress is being used as a blogger system and it is very common across the web. Because of the pupolarity of the WordPress, many design companies have been creating customs designs and the need has arisen for someone to process the PSD to WordPress template. This is where we come in to play as we provide PSD to Wordpress conversion. Since we have an advanced PSD to HTML service offering, this was an easy extension and we have developed this service for our customer base.

If you need PSD to Wordpress conversion services please contact us! We are experienced with PSD to Wordpress and have very compelling prices! Convert image to wordpress today!

We provide quality services through having a quality process. Our QA manager reviews all of our work product before it goes out the door to our customers. This prevents the customer from finding issues and requesting rework, thereby reducing overhead for our customers.

If you need to convert an image to HTML to have content for a newsletter, an email blast, or for your web site we can provide it quickly and effectively!

Key Features

  • Hand Coded XHTML/HTML5
  • CSS2/CSS3 W3c Valided code
  • Customized Widgetized sidebars
  • Completely SEO Optimized
  • Quick Turnaround!
  • Fully Widget ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Cross Browser compatibility

Convert2xhtml.com is an Einfoway Company, with huge 15+ years of experience in Total Web Solutions and having clients around the globe. Name that you can trust.

Email : info @ convert2xhtml.com
Call Us : + 1 704 557 0212
Usa Toll Free : + 1 888 992 7246

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