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Prestashop Development

Looking for neat, high-quality and speedy solution for PSD to HTML5 & CSS3 conversion? Get it done smoothly by hiring our HTML5 professionals (now also available on trial basis). We produce clean coding, cross browser compatibility with 100% hand-coded HTML & CSS.

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PSD to Prestashop Conversion only at $299

About our Prestashop Service

For those intending to own an Online Store for assorted merchandises, there are many software solutions available. Of them, PrestaShop is one which is widely preferred by small and medium business enterprises, who want to have a Store which needs no technical knowledge or technical personnel to handle. If you desire to own a Web-store of international recognition, and yet simple in its operation and features, PrestaShop business solution available free as Open Source will suit the best.

As for the familiarity of this ecommerce solution among website owners online, right from 2007 when this software was introduced, hundreds of thousands of Online Shops have been created, with this easy-to-handle software solution.

Web designers and developers who are experts in the field, to create customized websites from the given PSD or any other similar digital images, find PrestaShop CMS framework easy to install, after raising the foundation of coding and marking up PSD to HTML, PSD to XHTML, and PSD to HTML5/CSS 3 conversion. At this stage, they keep in mind the business needs of the client and ability to handle a Store online and accordingly provide them with the best suited software application in this regard. PrestaShop is the easiest one for so many shop owners to control and manage, owing to the following qualities:

PrestaShop is best for multi-linguistic operation of a web-store, since it is available in 56 world languages. The software supports multiple and secure payment options like Paypal, Skrill, Authorize.Net, and Google Checkout etc. Time and again the software gets frequent support from the active user-community, running into hundreds of thousands, to update and upgrade its usages, based on recurring experiences and situations obtaining. PrestaShop provides abundance of scope for smart tools of marketing; catalog management at its best; inventory management easily and faster; navigation inside Store made intuitive and easy; analytics and reports gathering; unlimited currencies usage; and product-sale and return-management etc.

Importantly, PrestaShop operates on the world-famous MySQL as its default database. Also the Admin Panel can make extensive use of AJAX applications for control and handling the Online Store, just like that.

How Convert2xhtml.com becomes your best source for this implementation?

The expertise gained over the years in website conversion puts Convert2xhtml.com in good stead. Over the years, the experts of this popular Conversion Service have turned up many websites for small, medium and big businesses, including corporate entities. So it is very easy for you to get a fully-functional Online Store implemented and incorporated by the experts of Convert2xhtml.com, by integration of PrestaShop Templates, Theme and Modules. All you have to send in is a PSD or any other digital image, to represent your preference in designing your own website. The professionals at work in Convert2xhtml.com will process the image further, through PSD to HTML, PSD to XHTML, or PSD to HTML5/CSS conversion as required by you, and handover your PrestaShop based Online Store, in quick turn-around time.

You can get immensely benefited by the easy to operate PrestaShop Online Store implemented by Convert2xhtml.com, at rates you will be happy to pay as the lowest in the Industry.

Technically, what you get from Convert2xhtml.com for PSD to PrestaShop Implementation?

  • Completely easy to manage Online Store

  • Customizable Templates

  • MySQL Database to back your Stores

  • Efficient PHP Coding making your Store accessible through any web browser

  • All operating systems like Windows, Unix or Linux instantly find your Store easily

  • Your Store satisfies consumers and makes them happy with easy navigation, getting details, finishing transactions faster and secure payments to go back with 100% satisfaction.

Convert2xhtml.com is an Einfoway Company, with huge 15+ years of experience in Total Web Solutions and having clients around the globe. Name that you can trust.

Email : info @ convert2xhtml.com
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