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Page Speed Optimization

Looking for neat, high-quality and speedy solution for PSD to HTML5 & CSS3 conversion? Get it done smoothly by hiring our HTML5 professionals (now also available on trial basis). We produce clean coding, cross browser compatibility with 100% hand-coded HTML & CSS.

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Page Speed Optimization is Must for High Google Ranking

About our Page Speed Optimization Service

What is Page Speed Optimization?

Your website is meant for dealing with web visitors from across the world. In today's advanced Internet Technology, web visitors access your site through innumerable latest computing devices and web browsers. The speed of the Operating Systems in these devices is tremendous. So if your website is unable to cope up with that speed, the result is obvious - the web pages will fail to load instantly on the screens, and the frustrated visitor will go elsewhere. It follows by adopting modern techniques, the speed of loading with clarity of your website, even in the smaller screens of smart phones, has to be optimized to the required levels. This is Page Speed Optimization.

Why you need Page Speed optimized?

Studies and surveys conducted recently go to show some 80,000,000 visitors accessing the Internet through modern devices get frustrated to the core, by slow-loading websites. Millions of websites have been facing this fate since they were built with outdated web building feasibilities, in this fast-changing Internet world. Who will be the loser if such a huge volume of web-traffic is lost, just for an easily avoidable technical short-coming? Certainly the website owners like you, having spent quite a big budget in building your site. It's therefore right time you checked up your website pages' loading speed (the recommended speed is 90+ and most sites are confined to only 70) and take immediate corrective action, to meet with your site's success. Importantly, popular Search Engines like Google give credence to page loading speed for awarding high ranking to sites. Can you afford to forsake this essential SEO factor?

Convert2xhtml.com Page Speed Service:

Being pioneers in the field of website building, your reliable Convert2xhtml.com undertakes Page Speed Optimization Service in right earnest, at Industry-best cost. Our professional experts in website design and development employ the following technology upgrades, to bring forth best results in making your website pages loading in microseconds, with pixel-perfect clarity in all the browsers and devices across the world:

  • Enhancing Browser Cache speed
  • Reducing HTTP request transformed to web server
  • Optimizing images inside the site
  • Page size reduction
  • Compressing CSS as required
  • HTML code adjustment and minimizing if needed
  • Java Script minimizing
  • E-tags configuration
  • Query strings getting removed
  • Content Delivery Network used appropriately
  • Styles and Scripts optimized in the right order
  • DNS look-up creation and a lot more

Benefits Accruing to you by Page Speed Optimization:

  • Guaranteed Page Speed increased to 90+
  • Happy customer experience in getting your website loaded in their screens and devices with remarkable speed
  • No change or modification in your site's web design or web contents but only increasing the speed of page loading magically
  • Experience and expertise of professional web designers and developers of our site will be yours
  • You will enjoy cutting-edge advantage in beating your competitors for diverting web-visitor traffic in huge volumes
  • Iron-clad MONEY BACK GUARANTEE that goes with all our services!

.... And lots more according to the requirement

Convert2xhtml.com is an Einfoway Company, with huge 15+ years of experience in Total Web Solutions and having clients around the globe. Name that you can trust.

Email : info @ convert2xhtml.com
Call Us : + 1 704 557 0212
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