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Upload your PSD, PNG files and receive high quality, Cross Broswer Compatible XHTML/CSS Markup

PSD/PNG/Ai/Sketch to




  • 100% Hand-Coded Conversion
  • Highest quality markup
  • 100% Design Compatibility
  • Tested and Quality Checked Deliveries
  • W3C Validated Markup / Shorthand CSS
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • SEO Semantic Coding



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Select Advanced Options

Please select additional options required, Each options causes extra cost

Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Layout Width

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.

Header/Footer width Stretch

Select “Yes” if you want your header or footer to be resized based on the browser width.

Sticky Header / Footer

Select “Yes” if you want to have the Header / footer always fixed/visible at the Top / bottom.

Horizontal Alignment

Select the justification (position on x-axis) that your design should have in the browser window.

Vertical Alignment

Select the vertical justification (position on y-axis) that your design should have in the browser window.

Take control of compatibility, accessibility, typography, semantics, standards / compliance and imagery preferences using the options below.

The following options are for those who simply wish to fully customize the coding to their own preferences to make the results consistent with their own style or take the code to the maximum level.

sIFR/Cufon/@font-face Implementation

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.

Other Fonts options

CSS Frameworks

Select “Yes” if you want your header or footer to be resized based on the browser width.

Other CSS options

Implement CSS Menus

If the dynamic drop down menu with CSS implementation is required, then just specify it.

W3C Standards

If the dynamic drop down menu with CSS implementation is required, then just specify it.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Theme installation

Theme installation

Other WP Theme Options


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Integration Option

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Joomla Version

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.

Delivery Method

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Delivery Method

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.

Drupal Version

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Delivery Method

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.

Sticky Header / Footer

Select “Yes” if you want to have the Header / footer always fixed/visible at the Top / bottom.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Delivery Method

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Delivery Method

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.


Provide us more details regarding your project layout. This will help us ensure that we have all the necessary details to provide the best XHTML conversion

Delivery Method

Select "Flexible" if you want your layout to be resized based on the browser window.

Select Pages and Schedule

Order Details
  • XHTML 1.0 / CSS 2.1 $ 49  
  • No Inner Pages $ 0  
  • Advanced Options $ 0  
  • Implementation Cost $ 0  
  • Total Cost $ 49  

Estimated Delivery estimated time to complete the project
1 Business Day


Convert2xhtml.com is an Einfoway Company, with huge 15+ years of experience in Total Web Solutions and having clients around the globe. Name that you can trust.

Email : info @ convert2xhtml.com
Call Us : + 1 704 557 0212
Usa Toll Free : + 1 888 992 7246

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